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xampp的apache不能启动 - api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll 缺失

现象:用户说xampp安装后,apache不能成功启动,提示缺少 api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll 文件。

过程:网上搜索得,该文件是 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 安装后应该有的。但安装Visual C++ Redistributable 2015且重启系统后,系统目录里还是没有api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll这个文件。然后搜索C:分区,搜索到如QQ播放器、百度网盘的安装目录中都有这个api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll文件,但文件大小不同。尝试将QQ播放器安装目录里的 api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll 复制到Windows的system32目录,然后执行 regsvr32 /s c:\windows\system32\api-ms-win-crt-conio-l1-1-0.dll 的命令,最后,xampp的apache可以成功启动了。


Open a China Bank account query

  1. China Merchants Bank - cmbchina.com - 95555 phone query - answer: passport is nessarly, have to query local banch of bank details(different citiy have different rules) - 95555@cmbchina.com.
  2. ICBC - icbc.com.cn - 95588 phone query - answer: passport is necessary, but local banch of bank maybe requested more credentials ((different citiy have different rules))
  3. China Construction Bank - ccb.com - 95533 phone query - answer: passport is necessary
  4. HSBC - www.hsbc.com.cn - 95366 phone query - answer: passport is necessary, and need around RMB 100,000 blance to open a bank account.
  5. Bank of China - boc.cn - 95566 phone query - answer: passport is necessary
  6. Bank of Shnghai - www.bosc.cn - 95594 phone query - wait about 5 mins, no personal service, phone line is busy

Most of China banks need passport and local branch to open bank accout, around RMB 20 for debit card, and maybe RMB 10 yearly fee(+RMB 3/month for account manager fee which blance bellow 300).

And if you need use debit card on WeChat, most like you need a China mobile phone number. Most banks supply customer service via WeChat which is public on their website. You can ask more questions via WeChat if you need.

Refer - https://www.travelchinacheaper.com/open-china-bank-account

Vuze torrent downloader 遇到 Offline - SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

现象:在Windows 10里安装了 Vuze torrent downloader,添加 pthome.net 的种子下载任务后,在任务“来源”中显示 Tracker https://www.pthome.net/announce.php 错误,Offline - SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure,无法开始下载文件。

尝试:在查看 Vuze 版本时,发现 JRE 版本是Vuze安装目录自带的 Vuze/jre 。查看Windows 10中,没有安装JRE。先到Oracle官方网站,下载安装好JRE。之后删除Vuze Torrent Downloader 软件后重新安装。Vuze 重装后首页可以显示引用的网页内容。添加pthome的任务也能正常下载文件了。

generated/code/Magento cannot be deleted - Directory not empty

现象:运行 bin/magento module:disable Mageplaza_Smtp 命令尝试禁用Magento2模块时,提示出错:

The directory "/var/www/html/generated/code/Magento" cannot be deleted Warning!rmdir(/var/www/html/generated/code/Magento): Directory not empty

尝试:检查发现 /generated 目录及子目录都有文件所有者写权限,删除失败可能是Magento2的定时任务在删除目录的过程中又生成新文件了。可以尝试临时停止Magento2的定时任务或Web进程后再次操作。




php bin/magento module:status | grep -v Magento | grep -v List | grep -v None | grep -v -e '^$'| xargs php bin/magento module:disable
