在 debian 12 里安装 request tracker 5

假设:RT5的访问网址是 https://rt.demo.anqun.org ,“售后”队列的收件箱是 support@rt.demo.anqun.org ,搭配 apache 与 mariadb 数据库。


  1. hostnamectl set-hostname rt.demo.anqun.org # 设置好主机名
  2. apt update # 更新软件源
  3. apt install mariadb-server # 先安装数据库
  4. systemctl start mariadb # 启动数据库
  5. apt install apache2 rt5-db-mysql rt5-apache2 rt5-fcgi request-tracker5 # 安装RT5,如果提示输入RT的实例名称,我这里是填写了完整的主机名 rt.demo.anqun.org,还会提示设置RT使用的数据库密码和默认用户root的密码
  6. a2dismod mpm_event
  7. a2enmod mpm_prefork # 切换apache的运行模块
  8. a2enmod ssl # 启用https访问
  9. /etc/request-tracker5/RT_SiteConfig.d/50-debconf.pm # 修改配置文件中的 $WebPath 为空,因为本例是访问到/路径
  10. /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/rt.conf # RT的站点设置内容,如下:

    <VirtualHost *:443>
        ### Optional apache logs for RT
        # Ensure that your log rotation scripts know about these files
        # ErrorLog /opt/rt5/var/log/apache2.error
        # TransferLog /opt/rt5/var/log/apache2.access
        # LogLevel debug
        ServerName rt.demo.anqun.org
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile  /root/.acme.sh/rt.demo.anqun.org_ecc/rt.demo.anqun.org.cer
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /root/.acme.sh/rt.demo.anqun.org_ecc/rt.demo.anqun.org.key
    SSLCertificateChainFile  /root/.acme.sh/rt.demo.anqun.org_ecc/ca.cer
        AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
        FcgidInitialEnv RT_SITE_CONFIG /etc/request-tracker5/RT_SiteConfig.pm
    # The defaults are unlikely to be big enough for an RT site handling
    # attachments
        FcgidMaxRequestLen 1073741824
    #        ScriptAlias / /opt/rt5/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/
    # Use the handler
    # Note: If you switch the configuration to be served up from / use a
    # trailing / - ie:
    #   ScriptAlias / /usr/share/request-tracker5/libexec/rt-server.fcgi/
    ScriptAlias / /usr/share/request-tracker5/libexec/rt-server.fcgi/
        DocumentRoot "/usr/share/request-tracker5/html"
    # Alias "/static" "/usr/share/request-tracker5/static"
    <Location />
    DirectoryIndex index.html
    #            Require all granted
    #            Options +ExecCGI
    #            AddHandler fcgid-script fcgi
    # Limit mail gateway access to localhost by default
    <Location /REST/1.0/NoAuth>
    <IfVersion >= 2.3>
        Require local
    <IfVersion < 2.3>
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow from
  11. systemctl restart apache2 # 重启apache服务后,看看能否访问到RT的web页面。如果root能成功登录,请创建“售后”的队列,且设置收件箱为support。简化测试,让everyone可以有创建和回复工单的权限
  12. dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config # 配置 exim4 ,关键是填写收件箱的域,如 rt.demo.anqun.org 和监听的网络接口(本例是留空,表示在所有的网络接口里监听25端口)
  13. /etc/exim4/conf.d/router/050_exim4-config_rt5support # 创建收件箱地址的router,内容如下:

    driver = accept
    local_parts = support
    transport = rt5support_transport
    driver = accept
    local_parts = support-comment
    transport = rt5supportcomment_transport
  14. /etc/exim4/conf.d/transport/50_exim4-config_rt5support_pipe # 创建收件箱的pipe,内容如下:

     driver = pipe
     command = "/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue 售后 --action correspond --url https://rt.demo.anqun.org"
     driver = pipe
     command = "/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --queue 售后 --action comment --url https://rt.demo.anqun.org"
  15. update-exim4.conf.template -r && update-exim4.conf && systemctl reload exim4 # 将exim4的配置更新
  16. 如果顺利,发往suuport@rt.demo.anqun.org的邮件,会自动出现在“售后”队列中,从web里可以查看到


hMailServer - 批量创建用户 - vbs脚本



尝试:通过hMailServer的COM API,用vbs脚本可从csv文件读取邮箱用户、密码和域名。


'#####the script#####
'# The EntryType can be one of two options, User or Alias. If the EntryType is User, then:
'# EntryType = User
'# Field1 = Uername
'# Field2 = Password
'# Field3 = DomainName
'# Field4 = FirstName
'# Field5 = LastName
'# If the EntryType is Alias, then:
'# EntryType = Alias
'# Field1 = AliasName
'# Field2 = ForwardingEmail
'# Field3 = DomainName
'# To add USERS, for example, your CSV file should have the structured information (type, strUsername, strPassword, strDomain, strPersonFirstName, strPersonLastName), like below:
'# User,tjones,mypassword,jones.com,Tommy,Jones
'# To add ALIAS, for example, your CSV file should have the structured information (type, strAlias, strAliasUsername, strDomain), like below:
'# Alias,tommy,tjones@jones.com,jones.com
'# This would create a user names tjones@jones.com in the jones.com domain and an alias tommy@jones.com which will forward all e-mail to tjones@jones.com in the jones.com domain.

Option Explicit
Dim Elog
Dim obBaseApp
Dim objFSO
Dim objTextFile
Dim strNewAlias,i

Dim failed
Dim added
Dim domainsAdded

failed = 0
added = 0
domainsAdded = 0

'# Custom Variables regarding HMAIL admin password and file to be read
Dim hAdminpwd
Dim CSVFile
hAdminpwd = "hmailmima"
CSVFile = "bulk.csv"

Set Elog = CreateObject("hMailServer.EventLog")
Set obBaseApp = CreateObject("hMailServer.Application")

Call obBaseApp.Authenticate("Administrator",hAdminpwd) '*** N.B. 1. set your administrator password in this line

Const ForReading = 1
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(CSVFile, ForReading) 'N.B. 2. Set your CSV path/filename in this line
On Error resume next
Do While objTextFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
    strNewAlias = split(objTextFile.Readline, ",")

    'Select Case lcase(trim(strNewAlias(0)))
       'Case "user"
          ' AddUser trim(strNewAlias(1)), trim(strNewAlias(2)), trim(strNewAlias(3)),trim(strNewAlias(4)),trim(strNewAlias(5))
       'Case "alias"
          'AddAlias trim(strNewAlias(1)), trim(strNewAlias(2)), trim(strNewAlias(3))
    'End Select
    AddUser trim(strNewAlias(0)), trim(strNewAlias(1)), trim(strNewAlias(2))
    If err.Number <> 0 Then    'error handling:
     Elog.Write("Failed add (probably duplicate)" & Chr(34) & vbTab & Chr(34) & strNewAlias(0) _
     & "," & strNewAlias(1) & "," & strNewAlias(2) & "," & strNewAlias(3))
     failed = failed + 1
     added = added + 1
    End If
On Error goto 0
Elog.Write("Domains Added Sucessfully    = " & domainsAdded)
Elog.Write("Accounts Added Sucessfully   = " & added)
Elog.Write("Failed or Duplicate Accounts = " & failed)
Wscript.Echo ("Domains Added Sucessfully    = " & domainsAdded & VbNewLine _
            & "Accounts Added Sucessfully   = " & added & VbNewLine _
            & "Failed or Duplicate Accounts  = " & failed & VbNewLine & VbNewLine _
            & "See hmailserver_events.log for list of duplicates (if any)")

'# Usefull functions
Sub AddAlias(strAlias,strEmailAddress,strDomain)

   AddDomain strDomain

   Dim obDomain
   Dim obAliases
   Dim obNewAlias

   Set obDomain = obBaseApp.Domains.ItemByName(strDomain)
   Set obAliases = obDomain.Aliases
   Set obNewAlias = obAliases.Add()
   obNewAlias.Name = strAlias & "@" & strDomain 'username
   obNewAlias.Value = strEmailAddress 'password
   obNewAlias.Active = 1 'activates user
   obNewAlias.Save() 'saves account
   Set obNewAlias = Nothing
   Set obAliases = Nothing
   Set obDomain = Nothing
End Sub

'Sub AddUser(strUsername, strPassword, strDomain, strPersonFirstName, strPersonLastName)
Sub AddUser(strUsername, strPassword, strDomain)
   AddDomain strDomain
   Dim obDomain
   Dim obAccounts
   Dim obNewAccount

   Set obDomain = obBaseApp.Domains.ItemByName(strDomain)
   Set obAccounts = obDomain.Accounts
   Set obNewAccount = obAccounts.Add()
   obNewAccount.Address = strUsername & "@" & strDomain 'username
   obNewAccount.Password = strPassword 'password
   'obNewAccount.PersonFirstName = strPersonFirstName
   'obNewAccount.PersonLastName = strPersonLastName
   obNewAccount.Active = 1 'activates user
   obNewAccount.Maxsize = 0 'sets mailbox size, 0=unlimited
   obNewAccount.Save() 'saves account
   Set obNewAccount = Nothing
   Set obDomain = Nothing   
   Set obAccounts = Nothing
End Sub

Sub AddDomain(strDomain)
   Dim obNewDomain
   Set obNewDomain = obBaseApp.Domains.Add()
   obNewDomain.Name = strDomain
   obNewDomain.Active = True

   On Error resume next
   If err.Number = 0 Then
    domainsAdded = domainsAdded + 1
   End If
End Sub



# Configurations.

# 获取用户输入
read -p "请输入要添加用户的域名,如 example.com: " domainname
read -p "请输入要添加用户的个数,如 100: " number

# 删除旧的 bulk.csv 文件
rm -f bulk.csv

# 创建新的 bulk.csv 文件并写入内容
for ((i=1; i<=$number; i++))
    mailuser=$(strings /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-z0-9 | head -c8)
    mailpasswd=$(strings /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-z0-9 | head -c8)
    # 写入用户名、密码、域名以及占位符(名和姓)
    echo "$mailuser,$mailpasswd,$domainname,,," >> bulk.csv

echo "bulk.csv 文件已成功创建,包含 $number 个用户。"


Windows 2012 R2 无法安装 .NET Framework 3.5 - .NET Framework 2.0 - KB5029915

现象:Windows 2012 R2 系统,无法通过“服务器管理器”和DISM命令安装.NET Framework 3.5,即使指定SxS安装源路径,一样报错。

尝试:查看已安装的Windows更新,检索其中与 .NET Framework 3.5 的更新。删除其中的 KB5029915 后,即可安装 .NET Framework 3.5。原因可能是当 Windows 2012 R2没有安装 .NET Framework 3.5 组件时进行了Windows Update,安装.NET Framework 3.5 的安全更新后,导致不能正常安装 .NET Framework 3.5。


magento - ValidationSchemaException 出错 - esconfig.xsd - 因为cPanel环境升级xml版本导致


Exception #0 (Magento\Framework\Config\Dom\ValidationSchemaException): Processed schema file: public_html/vendor/magento/module-elasticsearch/etc/esconfig.xsd
complex type 'mixedDataType': The content model is not determinist.
Line: 18

#1 Magento\Framework\Config\Dom->_initDom() called at [vendor/magento/framework/Config/Dom.php:116]
#2 Magento\Framework\Config\Dom->__construct() called at [vendor/magento/framework/Config/Reader/Filesystem.php:196]
#3 Magento\Framework\Config\Reader\Filesystem->_createConfigMerger() called at [vendor/magento/framework/Config/Reader/Filesystem.php:151]
#4 Magento\Framework\Config\Reader\Filesystem->_readFiles() called at [vendor/magento/framework/Config/Reader/Filesystem.php:132]

尝试:将文件 vendor/magento/module-elasticsearch/etc/esconfig.xsd 中的这行内容删除或注释掉:<xs:element type="xs:string" name="default" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />



debian 12.2系统里安装 iredmail-enterprise-1.0-beta1-linux-amd64 的两个问题

尝试在debian 12.2系统里安装 iredmail-enterprise-1.0-beta1-linux-amd64。发现有两个问题:

  1. web安装程序报错。搜索得,ntp 包对应的服务名是 ntpsec ,不是ntp 。 服务配置文件是:/lib/systemd/system/ntpsec.service
    TASK [ntp] Install ntp/chrony server to sync local time.
    ok: ntp

    TASK [ntp] Enable and restart ntp/chrony service.
    failed: ntp
    [ERROR] task error: failed in restarting service ntp: exit status 5, Failed to restart ntp.service: Unit ntp.service not found.

  2. 通过web/admin 管理添加的用户,外网发信到这个用户会报错:said: 550 5.1.1 mailto:liu@iredmail.anqun.org: Recipient address rejected: User unknown (in reply to RCPT TO command) 这个用户是能登录到 roundcube。从服务器的shell里,也能通过命令行成功发信。作为对比,用web/iredadmin添加的用户,正常。删除之前报错的域,重新使用iredadmin添加回同一个域和用户,能从外网收信。尝试的解决方法是手动补上缺失的 forwardings 表内容:
    INSERT INTO forwardings (address, forwarding, domain, dest_domain, is_forwarding)
    VALUES ('liu@iredmail.anqun.org', 'liu@iredmail.anqun.org','iredmail.anqun.org', 'iredmail.anqun.org', 1);
